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Americans Who Advocate For Government Intervention (Socialism, Liberalism & Progressivism): Reap Corruption

While scouring Facebook, I found a meme posted in Utah Open Political Debate by Nic Palfreman. The meme points to America’s problem as Capitalism.

Unfortunately, capitalism has many layers and flavors, such as Baskin Robbins and ice cream. There are at least 10 forms of capitalism, so the meme of blaming capitalism isn’t complete without knowing additional information about which brand America is living in today and which one is unhealthy and hurting America.

This statement, “People who know Capitalism is the fucking problem.” It is misleading and plays into the hands of the tyrants and oligarchs who use words to influence ignorance and mislead to divide and rule.

The Divide Between Left vs Right Benefits Statists, Nationalists, Globalists & Feudalism

This post on Facebook will not address the root of the problem; in fact, it will only keep people fighting and divided so the tyrants can consolidate power and resources for their new feudal system, which has been constructed and is about to be put into play by the master planners, world oligarchs, and a small percentage of people who will benefit at the expense of the majority of the people.

Liberty or Tyranny, Choose Wisely

We will cover two forms of capitalism in this article.

Spoiler Alert: When America was founded, Americans lived under laissez-faire capitalism. As time progressed and momentum grew, Americans lost interest in history, economics, philosophy, religion, and politics, which left a void to be filled.

The super-ambitious men and women who desire power and greed have filled the void to create and evolved into a different type of crony capitalism, which is nothing less than corporate/fascism by corrupting government and using it for their ends.

As people have stepped away from being vigilant and watchers of government, they have also lost the desire to be self-sufficient and responsible for their own lives and posterity.

People become dependent on the government by advocating liberal and progressive policies from government. They are advocating for bigger government and the very thing they are crying out against by saying capitalism is the problem. By feeling in the other half of the equation, by saying crony capitalism is the problem, I can now agree with the meme on Facebook.

Laissez-faire and crony capitalism represent two approaches to economic systems, each with distinct characteristics and implications for how markets operate and how government interacts with the economy.

Laissez-Faire Capitalism

Definition: Laissez-faire capitalism is an economic system in which transactions between private parties are free from government intervention, such as regulation, tariffs, subsidies, and enforced monopolies. The term “laissez-faire” is French for “let do” or “let go,” reflecting the philosophy of minimal government involvement.


  • Minimal Government Intervention: The government’s role is limited to protecting property rights, enforcing contracts, and maintaining the rule of law. The idea is that markets operate best when left to their own devices.
  • Free Markets: Prices, production, and distribution of goods and services are determined by supply and demand without government interference.
  • Competition: Free competition is encouraged, which is believed to lead to innovation, efficiency, and lower consumer prices.
  • Individualism: Emphasis on individual initiative and self-regulation within the market.


  • Economic Efficiency: Proponents argue that it leads to the most efficient allocation of resources and the greatest wealth creation.
  • Potential for Inequality: Critics point out that it can lead to significant income and wealth disparities, with limited safety nets for those who fall behind.
  • Market Failures: Without regulation, market failures, such as monopolies, externalities, and information asymmetries, can occur.

Crony Capitalism

Definition: Crony capitalism is an economic system characterized by close, mutually advantageous relationships between business leaders and government officials. In this system, business success depends on a close relationship with government officials, often involving favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, and other forms of state intervention.


  • Government Favoritism: Businesses gain unfair advantages through government intervention, often via lobbying, political donations, and other forms of influence.
  • Corruption: This system can breed corruption as businesses and politicians engage in mutually beneficial exchanges, often at the public’s expense.
  • Distorted Markets: Government preferences influence market outcomes rather than pure market forces, leading to inefficiencies and distortions.
  • Barriers to Entry: New entrants may find it difficult to compete if they do not have the same access to government favors, reducing competition and innovation.


  • Economic Inefficiency: Crony capitalism can lead to the misallocation of resources, as success is driven by political connections rather than market efficiencies.
  • Public Distrust: It can undermine public trust in the government and the market, as the system appears to be rigged in favor of the well-connected.
  • Entrenched Inequality occurs when wealth and power become concentrated among a small elite who have the means to influence government decisions.

Key Differences

  1. Government Role:
    • Laissez-Faire: Minimal government intervention; the market operates freely.
    • Crony Capitalism: Significant government intervention favoring certain businesses; the market is manipulated by political connections.
  2. Market Dynamics:
    • Laissez-Faire: Driven by supply and demand, competition ensures efficiency and innovation.
    • Crony Capitalism: Distorted by government favoritism, leading to inefficiencies and reduced competition.
  3. Economic Outcomes:
    • Laissez-Faire: Potential for high efficiency and innovation but also risks of inequality and market failures.
    • Crony Capitalism: Often results in inefficiency, corruption, and entrenched inequality, with benefits skewed towards the politically connected.

While laissez-faire capitalism advocates minimal government intervention and a free market driven by competition, crony capitalism involves significant government intervention, and political connections and favoritism heavily influence business success. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for analyzing different economic systems and their societal impacts.

Concerns About Government Intervention and Corruption

  1. Bureaucracy:
    • Criticism: Large government programs can become bureaucratic and inefficient, leading to waste and mismanagement of resources.
    • Examples: Inefficiencies in government-run programs or slow responses to changing needs can be cited as drawbacks.
  2. Corruption:
    • Criticism: Increased government intervention can create opportunities for corruption, where public officials may exploit their positions for personal gain.
    • Examples: Scandals involving misallocation of public funds, bribery, and favoritism in government contracts highlight these risks.
  3. Cronyism:
    • Criticism: Government intervention can lead to cronyism, where businesses with political connections receive favorable treatment, undermining free-market principles.
    • Examples: Instances where political donors or well-connected firms secure lucrative government contracts or regulatory advantages.
  4. Economic Impact:
    • Criticism: Excessive government intervention can stifle innovation, reduce economic freedom, and create an environment where businesses focus on lobbying for favorable regulations rather than competing in the market.
    • Examples: Overregulation can hinder entrepreneurship and economic growth.

Those Americans who are advocating for government intervention in the liberal, progressive, and socialism ideology (Democrats and Republicans can fall into this trap by advocating for big government solutions) are really advocating and reaping corruption, monopolies, and bigger corporations and government, which is crony capitalism and ensures dependency and slavery, which is what people are feeling and mad about while advocating and reaping as it has been growing under the surface for years.

The proof is in the pudding, and crony capitalism is the problem that Americans face.

We Need To Wake Up and Stand With the 99%

Here is a list of articles, and if read in order, one can understand the overall picture America is facing and what we must do to fix it.

  1. There Are Really Only Two Types of Government: Republic & Oligarchy
  2. There Are Two Types of Power: Concentrated & Separated
  3. Power Tends to Concentrate Into the Hands of A Few, An Oligarchy
  4. The Evils of Tyranny Are Rarely Seen By Those Who Lack Historical Knowledge
  5. Liberty or Tyranny, Choose Wisely
  6. The Results of Generational Psyops On A Society
  7. World War 3 Isn’t What You Think; It is the Globalists vs the Rest of Us
  8. The Global Financiers Agenda to Gradually Takeover Government and Industry: The World
  9. Central Banking is 90% of Taking Over a Country By the Ruling Class & Global Banking (Federal Reserve)
  10. Welcome to Prison Planet: Slaves R Us And What We Can Do About on a Personal Level
  11. The Globalist Agenda Programs Humanity To Be Unhappy By Their Religion of Consumption
  12. Americans Are Unhappy: Is It the Effects of Psyops & Organized Consumer Dissatisfaction
  13. We’ve Developed A New Citizenry & Most People Are Unaware They’re It
  14. People Who Can’t Communicate Or Lack Accountability Think Everything Is An Argument Or An Attack
  15. The Divide Between Left vs Right Benefits Statists, Nationalists, Globalists & Feudalism
  16. Voting For Your Brand of Tyranny
  17. The Argument You Use To Restrict Rights of Others Will Restrict Yours
  18. Become Aware Our Polarized Nation Will Live By Stoicim or Die By Epicurean
  19. Where Do We Fit on the Political Spectrum As A People, Nation & Government
  20. We Need To Wake Up and Stand With the 99%
  21. The Founding of America Wrestled Power Away from the British Oligarchs (Empire)
  22. Our Nation Was Built on Distrust of Government & We Still Should Distrust Government
  23. Happy Insurrection, Treason, and Independence Day!
  24. Rethinking the Political Labels To Unite Under the Constitutional Republic & Bill of Rights
  25. Self-Mastery & Internal Control = Liberty & Freedom


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