The Proper Role of Government

“The Proper Role of Government” by Ezra Taft Benson (often paired with H. Verlan Andersen’s insights) explores the principles of government from a moral, constitutional, and practical standpoint. Benson and Andersen argue that government’s authority is rooted in divine principles, individual liberty, and the Constitution of the United States. This work offers a clear framework for determining the role of government and highlights the dangers of its overreach.

Here is a detailed exploration of the key ideas:

The Divine Source of Rights

  • God-Given Rights:
    The authors assert that rights come from God, not the government. The government’s role is to protect these God-given rights, including life, liberty, and property.
    • Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence: This document is often cited to reinforce the belief that rights are inalienable and must not be violated by government overreach.
  • Moral Agency:
    Government exists to preserve individual agency, enabling people to act according to their conscience without infringing on others’ rights.

The Proper Role of Government

  • Protecting Rights, Not Granting Them:
    Government does not create rights but exists to protect them. Its legitimate functions include enforcing laws against theft, fraud, and violence and providing a fair legal system.
  • Limited Government:
    The government’s role should be limited to what individuals can rightfully delegate to it. Benson refers to The Law by Frédéric Bastiat, emphasizing that government should act as an agent for collective self-defense, protecting individual rights without redistributing wealth or controlling personal choices.
  • Consent of the Governed:
    Governments derive their powers from the consent of the people, who cannot grant the government powers they do not themselves possess. For example, an individual cannot steal from their neighbor, and therefore, the government cannot tax one citizen to give to another.

The Improper Role of Government

  • Redistribution of Wealth:
    Redistribution violates the principle of private property. Taking from one group to give to another, even with good intentions, is theft. Benson argues this is a form of legalized plunder.
  • Overreach and Tyranny:
    When governments exceed their proper roles, they encroach on individual freedoms. This includes excessive taxation, regulation of private lives, and control of industries or resources.
  • Socialism and Welfare States:
    Social programs that encourage dependency or discourage self-reliance are criticized as improper roles of government. Such programs undermine personal responsibility and lead to a loss of freedom.
  • Centralized Power:
    A concentration of power in government, whether in Washington, D.C., or globally, is seen as a significant threat to liberty. Decentralization and local control are preferred to preserve freedom and accountability.

Principles of a Free Society

  • Self-Reliance:
    Individuals are responsible for their own well-being. Families, churches, and communities should assist the needy, but the government should not take over this role.
  • Private Property:
    Protection of private property is fundamental to liberty. Without property rights, individuals lose their ability to be independent and to exercise their freedom fully.
  • Equality vs. Equity:
    Benson distinguishes between equality of opportunity, which government should ensure, and equality of outcome, which it should not attempt to impose.
  • The Role of Religion:
    A moral and virtuous citizenry, informed by religious principles, is essential for a free society. Benson warns against secularism, which he sees as eroding the moral foundation necessary for self-governance.

Warnings Against Improper Government

  • Dependency and Enslavement:
    Welfare states create dependency, leading to the erosion of individual initiative and freedom.
  • Moral Decay:
    The improper role of government often leads to moral decay by enabling behaviors that undermine personal responsibility. Benson cautions that abandoning God and moral principles leads to the destruction of society.
  • Loss of Constitutional Principles:
    Expanding government powers beyond constitutional limits risks turning a republic into a tyranny. Benson calls for a return to strict constitutional interpretation.

Citizen Responsibility

  • Educate and Act:
    Citizens must educate themselves about the Constitution and the proper role of government. Ignorance leads to apathy, and apathy allows tyranny to grow.
  • Active Participation:
    People have a duty to defend liberty by voting, staying informed, and holding leaders accountable. Political neutrality in the face of injustice is seen as complicity.
  • Moral Courage:
    Standing for constitutional principles may not always be popular, but it is necessary to preserve freedom for future generations.

Application to Modern Issues

  • Welfare Programs:
    Government welfare programs, while often well-intentioned, undermine personal responsibility and create a culture of entitlement. Private charities and communities are better suited to address needs.
  • National Defense:
    While national defense is a legitimate role of government, Benson cautions against unnecessary foreign intervention and entanglements.
  • Economic Policies:
    Policies that promote free markets, entrepreneurship, and property rights align with the proper role of government. Over-regulation and crony capitalism do not.

Hope for the Future

  • Restoration of Principles:
    Benson is optimistic that Americans can return to the founding principles of limited government and individual liberty by educating themselves and acting on their convictions.
  • Faith and Freedom:
    He emphasizes that faith in God and adherence to moral principles are essential for preserving freedom. A society that honors God will thrive, while one that abandons Him will face decline.


Ezra Taft Benson and H. Verlan Andersen’s insights in “The Proper Role & The Improper Role of Government” serve as a timeless guide for evaluating government actions and policies. By emphasizing God-given rights, limited government, and personal responsibility, they provide a framework for preserving freedom and ensuring that government remains a servant of the people rather than their master. This vision calls for an active, informed citizenry dedicated to protecting liberty and adhering to moral principles.


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