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The Similarities Between Captain America & The Founding Fathers

The scene where Captain America (Steve Rogers) wakes up decades after crashing into the ice, only to find a drastically changed America, can indeed evoke a strong sense of disillusionment, much like what some might imagine the Founding Fathers would feel if they saw the modern state of the country they helped create.

In Captain America’s case, his values are rooted in the ideals of freedom, justice, and service to the common good, reflective of the era he came from—the 1940s, when the fight against tyranny (in the form of Nazi Germany) was clear-cut.

Waking up in a modern world where corruption, complex geopolitics, banking and corporate power dominate would be a profound shock to him, much like how some might say the Founding Fathers would react to America’s shift from the democratic ideals of liberty and egalitarianism to what critics argue is now an oligarchic system.

Comparison to the Founding Fathers:

The Founding Fathers, particularly figures like Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Patrick Henry, feared the concentration of power in the hands of a few. They fought for a balance of power, checks and balances, and a government accountable to the people. The American Revolution was, in part, a rebellion against the centralized, unchecked power of British monarchy and oligarchs who controlled land, wealth, and political influence.

In modern America, many feel that:

  1. Corporate Influence: Large corporations and wealthy individuals hold significant sway over politics, pushing their interests through lobbying, campaign financing, and regulatory capture, creating an economic oligarchy where the rich grow richer, and the middle and lower classes face stagnation or decline.
  2. Income Inequality: The wealth gap between the richest 1% and the rest of the population has widened, which has contributed to a sense of disenfranchisement among ordinary citizens. The Founding Fathers were aware of the dangers of concentrated wealth and power, and might indeed “roll over in their graves” to see such stark inequality.
  3. Government Accountability: Critics argue that the modern government, heavily influenced by corporate interests and special interest groups, no longer prioritizes the will of the people, instead catering to a powerful elite—similar to the kind of oligarchy that the Founding Fathers would have been determined to prevent.

Oligarchy and America’s Shift:

An oligarchy is a system where a small group of individuals or organizations hold the majority of power and influence, often using it to serve their own interests rather than the public’s. Many argue that America’s political system, influenced by large corporations, super PACs, and billionaires, resembles an oligarchy more than the republic envisioned by the Founding Fathers.

While Captain America may feel disillusioned by the moral complexities and corruption in the modern world, his character always seeks to uphold fundamental values of freedom, fairness, and responsibility to others—a struggle many Americans continue to fight for. Similarly, the Founding Fathers, if they were to “wake up” today, might lament the drift away from their vision of a republic designed to ensure equal representation and prevent the tyranny of the few over the many.

In both cases, the tension between idealism (the values of the past) and pragmatism (the realities of the present) remains a powerful theme. Captain America’s shock in a changed America serves as a metaphor for those who feel that the U.S. has drifted far from its founding ideals, much like the concerns about modern governance straying toward oligarchic control.


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