“There are only two main theories of government in the world. One rests on righteousness, the other rests on force. One appeals to reason, the other appeals to the sword. One is exemplified in a republic, the other is represented by a despotism.
The history of government on this earth has been almost entirely a history of the rule of force held by a few. Under our Constitution, America committed itself to the practical application of the rule of reason, with the power in the hands of the people.” — Calvin Coolidge
I know people will argue with the statement regarding two governments, but as people will see, we can narrow the different types of government down to two.
The video, Overview of America, discusses multiple types of government and describes each one. I would suggest watching the video to better understand what each government is and how it works.
The Five types of or lack of government:
- Monarchy
- Oligarchy
- Democracy
- Republic
- Anarchy

The video does an excellent job of defining and describing each form of government. By process of elimination, it shows that there are, in fact, only two types of government that would fit into James Madison’s description of separation or concentration of power.

As government power grows, people’s freedom recedes. The overreaching power corresponds with the citizens’ ignorance, apathy, and indifference.
As the people drop their guard, power-seeking politicians begin to exceed the powers granted them by concentrating the energy into the control of a few, the so-called elite, in the form of an oligarchy.
As with the Roman Republic and what seems to be the same pattern in America, the whole system came crashing down as it went from a Republic to a Democracy to an oligarchy. Democracy itself is not a stable form of government compared to the unlimited rule of an oligarchy. Democracy and Anarchy are short-lived and transitional stages that lead to oligarchy.

Those people advocating a change of government from a Republic to a Democracy do so ignorantly or with malice as traitors. Their ignorance will lead to tyranny and neo-feudalism, or the intentional promotion is in hopes they will share in the spoils of the destruction of the rule of law as mob rule takes over in the hearts of men and their behavior as we transition to an oligarch.
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” — George Orwell
During the class and culture war, the oligarchs have gained control of the most critical levers, like a damn that controls the flow of the tributaries of the culture and class warfare.

The oligarchs have chipped away and gradually removed the separation and limitation and created and strengthened the administrative state in cooperation with corporate America to create America’s fascism.
“Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.” — Benito Mussolini
To protect the rights of all humanity, we must strengthen the separation of powers and resist its weakening. We must find ways to enhance the philosophy of separation by taking power from corporate America and ensuring they nourish and build up institutions and elected officials that are for public service and not driven by power, glory, and money.
We must elect moral and wise men and women to every office in our Republic.
“Human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.” — George Washington
2 Responses
Outstanding. What a wakeup call. Every American should see this daily to remind them that Freedom is not Free in that we have to constantly fight to keep the chains of constraint on our government for if the government becomes unchained We The People become the chained.
It seems the step after Republic is not anarchy, but the United Order or Zion, which is based on love. Anarchy is chaotic, no government, isn’t it? We’re surely about there now.
What the Nephites achieved after the time of Christ’s visit was a perfect government, the United Order, or Zion. People ruled then in perfect harmony. When Christ comes again, then government will be a Theocracy, when He rules and reigns and all will be united with God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
So on a spectrum what I see includes most of that above but, written on a linear scale, government can go either way. Of note, only a righteous people can have a Republic. The more righteous people become, then they can live united, in Zion. Here is my understanding.
Oligarchy, Dictator, King, Communism
In my opinion, anarchy and revolution happens between the change of governing, one way or the other. Especially between a Dictatorship and a Republic. Socialism is communism in transition.
When 9/11s Patriot Act was passed in 2001, it sent shivers through me, for I could see it was communism being stampeded through Congress. Everything was controlled by government. Rights removed. Property confiscated. Because it was an emergency war act, the gadiantons in charge pushed it through rapidly. Changed everything. Everything has changed drastically.
In my understanding, in a democracy, majority rules and happens when socialism is transitioning from a Republic to a dictatorship. From freedom to slavery.
All I’ve written is my own understanding developed from scripture, history, philosophy over time. I’m still learning and may not have it entirely correct.