The Technological Society

By Jacques Ellul


Jacques Ellul’s The Technological Society is a seminal work that critically examines the role of technology in shaping modern civilization. Originally published in French in 1954 as La Technique: L’Enjeu du Siècle and later translated into English in 1964, the book presents a deep philosophical and sociological analysis of how technological progress transforms societies, economies, and human behavior—often in ways beyond human control.

Ellul argues that technology has become autonomous, self-perpetuating, and uncontrollable, replacing traditional values, institutions, and ways of thinking. Instead of being a tool used consciously for human benefit, technology develops according to its own logic, reshaping all aspects of life—politics, ethics, culture, and even human consciousness itself.

His core thesis is that modern society is ruled by an unstoppable technological momentum, where efficiency and progress are pursued without consideration of moral, ethical, or social consequences.

Key Themes & Insights

The Autonomy of Technology

  • Technology is no longer under human control. Once a new technique is discovered, it must be developed and implemented, regardless of ethical considerations.
  • Society does not choose which technologies to adopt; rather, technological progress is self-perpetuating—it advances because it can, not because it should.
  • Governments, businesses, and individuals are powerless to stop technological advancements because rejecting them would mean falling behind in economic or military competition.
  • Example: The development of nuclear weapons, AI surveillance, and genetic engineering were not ethical choices but inevitable consequences of scientific discovery.

“Technique has become autonomous; it cannot be controlled. It is self-directing and self-perpetuating.”

Technological Determinism: The Inevitability of Progress

  • Once a new technology is created, its adoption is inevitable. Society cannot selectively reject new technologies without massive economic or political consequences.
  • Governments, businesses, and militaries feel compelled to adopt the latest innovations to remain competitive.
  • Human values do not guide technological progress; rather, technological progress reshapes human values.
  • Example: The rise of social media was not a moral decision—it was simply the next stage of technological evolution, reshaping communication, culture, and even political discourse.

“The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them.”

The Supremacy of Efficiency Over Morality

  • Technology values efficiency above all else—if a more efficient way to do something exists, it will inevitably replace the old method, regardless of ethical considerations.
  • Ethical concerns and cultural traditions are obstacles to technological expansion and are usually discarded when they conflict with technological progress.
  • Example: The industrial revolution displaced artisans and traditional craftsmanship in favor of mass production—not because it was morally right, but because it was more efficient.

“There can be no effective opposition to progress, because progress is not subject to human values—it obeys its own necessity.”

Technology’s Impact on Society & Human Freedom

  • Technology reshapes political systems, culture, and human relationships—but always in unpredictable ways.
  • Human freedom is increasingly limited by technology because people are forced to adapt to new systems that they did not create.
  • Instead of people controlling technology, technology controls people, shaping their decisions, behaviors, and even desires.
  • Example: The introduction of AI-driven surveillance does not just help governments track criminals; it restructures the entire concept of privacy and freedom.

“Freedom is nothing more than the chance to choose between different techniques.”

The Erosion of Traditional Institutions

  • Religious, moral, and social institutions struggle to keep up with technological changes.
  • Traditional values become obsolete because technology creates new problems that old moral frameworks cannot address.
  • Example: The digital revolution has completely changed ideas of privacy, work, and relationships—none of which could have been foreseen by traditional philosophies.

“Ethics, religion, and philosophy are powerless in the face of technical progress.”

The Dangers of a Technological Society

Ellul warns of several existential risks posed by a society dominated by technology:


  • Humans become mere cogs in a technological system, valued only for their productivity.
  • Personal identity is replaced by data, algorithms, and efficiency metrics.
  • Example: The modern workplace tracks productivity through AI-driven analytics, treating employees as numbers rather than people.

Surveillance & Control

  • Governments and corporations use technology to monitor, control, and manipulate populations.
  • Example: Facial recognition, mass surveillance, and AI-driven law enforcement erode privacy and personal freedom.

Loss of Autonomy

  • People no longer make decisions based on free will—they are guided by algorithms, automated systems, and social conditioning.
  • Example: Social media algorithms control what information people see, shaping their thoughts and opinions without them realizing it.

The Illusion of Choice

  • Society appears to offer “choices,” but in reality, all choices are dictated by technological systems.
  • Example: People can choose between different smartphone brands, but they cannot opt out of a smartphone-driven society.

“We believe we are free because we can choose between an iPhone and a Samsung, but in reality, the choice itself is dictated by the technological system.”

Can We Escape the Technological Society?

Ellul is pessimistic about humanity’s ability to resist or slow down technological momentum. However, he suggests a few ways individuals and societies can respond:

Awareness & Critical Thinking

  • Understanding that technology is not neutral—it always comes with hidden social, moral, and political consequences.
  • Questioning whether all technological progress is actually beneficial.

Ethical & Human-Centered Technology

  • Prioritizing human well-being over efficiency and profit.
  • Example: Advocating for ethical AI, data privacy, and decentralized technology.

Preserving Human Autonomy

  • Maintaining personal independence from technology—limiting reliance on automated systems, social media, and digital tracking.
  • Example: Using cash instead of digital payments, practicing face-to-face communication over social media.

Final Thoughts: Why The Technological Society Remains Relevant

Ellul’s warnings about the unstoppable, autonomous nature of technology are more relevant today than ever. From AI surveillance to digital dependency, from corporate data tracking to government control, his predictions have largely come true.

This book serves as a wake-up call—not necessarily to stop technological progress (which may be impossible) but to understand its consequences, question its direction, and fight for human-centered values in an increasingly mechanized world.

Key Takeaways:

  • Technology is autonomous and uncontrollable—once a technique is discovered, it will be used.
  • Efficiency and progress replace moral and ethical considerations.
  • Technology reshapes human freedom, making people more dependent on automated systems.
  • Surveillance, dehumanization, and loss of autonomy are direct consequences of a technology-driven world.
  • The only way to resist is through awareness, critical thinking, and prioritizing human values over technological convenience.

Ellul’s The Technological Society is a must-read for anyone concerned about the future of freedom, privacy, and human autonomy in a world increasingly dominated by technology.


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