“The Iron County Board of Commissioners will be holding a special public meeting on Tuesday, August 15th. The meeting will be held in Cedar City at Festival Hall, Room 7, at 6PM. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct a public hearing concerning a proposed tax increase to the Iron County General Fund.” (1)
As Iron County citizens, we need to educate ourselves and be at the public hearing if possible.
As we were researching the information in regards to preparing this article, we came across some revealing numbers that we believe all Iron County citizens should be aware of concerning the proposed tax increase.
The information is public record and can be sourced with footnotes. It is intended to help educate Iron County residents on fiscal responsibilities to ourselves and posterity.
We hear through the rumor mill, that we need to increase taxes in order to “pay our county employees and the Sheriff and the deputies wages that will keep them here, instead of being a training ground for them to go somewhere else.” But is this a fear tactic being used against Iron County citizens?
As we were researching salaries an interesting figure jumped out to us in regard to where Iron County fits in with the 1,955 other counties in the United States. According to the research we found, Iron County ranked 92nd highest paid county employees in 2021. (11) There were over 40 county employees reported to have made over $100,000 a year. That alone is $4 million in annual salaries per year for the 40 county employees.
“If the budget proposal is approved, the Iron County General Fund would increase its property tax budgeted revenue 99.49% above last years property tax budgeted revenue.” (1)
That is a sizeable increase and should be concerning to everybody in Iron County.

What makes the below meme funny is in its use of exaggeration. It’s funny to consider how different entities look at property values. But it should also be sobering when considering how government at all levels can embellish your property value.

As a nation, Americans paid our national tribute on Tuesday, April 18th, 2023. Now, four months later, Iron County wants a pound of flesh and to pick my pockets as well.

When does it end?
With the price of food, fuel and cost of living, how much more can We the People expect to give to the government on multiple fronts from the federal, state, county and city levels. Then we have the schools waiting in the wings for their next wave to loot tax the residents. It’s like the movie, Ground Hog Day. It’s round and round we go on this merry-go-round.

There is nothing more certain than death and taxes.
Americans are not getting richer, except maybe the 1%. The average American is getting poorer.
From the looks at the data, “Iron County avarage salary is 47 percent higher than USA average and median salary is 67 percent higher than USA median.” As the taxpayer income shrinks, government employees salary is growing. There must be some mathematical equation to help Iron County citizens understand why we need to raise taxes.
There are many reasons for Americans and their gradual decline, but one of the biggest is how much we are being taxed from multiple layers. We are literally and figuratively being taxed to death.
What are the short and long-term consequences for the generations already hurting? When one looks at the bigger picture, America is suffering and hemorrhaging from multiple fronts.
We cannot continue to tax ourselves to death. It might help short-term, but long-term increasing taxes would make solving the problem more difficult because it would depress private economic growth and hurt the least fortunate (the low-income, elderly and disabled) the most.
We have the older generation already suffering as they are on fixed incomes. We then have the younger generation who would like to live in their native county, but the cost to purchase land and housing are steeply climbing exponentially to the point our children are no longer able to settle in their own native land.
The days of feudalism appear to be returning with a vengeance.
Whenever the government at any level runs into an issue, it seems the answer is always to tax themselves out of the problem.
It has been said, “elections should be held one week after Tax Day.”(2) That phrase and concept has stuck with me ever since. We agree with the sentiment, but the politicians know how to play mind games with and against the public. Think of how frugal elected officials serving in any and all government levels would handle themselves. Unfortunately, Americans have a short attention span when it comes to wrongs done by government.
The government on all levels is only getting bigger and demanding more tribute.
The majority of government employees have it better than the private citizens. They are getting paid higher wages and have better medical insurance which is part of the packages. They get time off. They’re better off than the average American and resident of Iron County working in the private sector.
It’s time to take our power back and say NO NEW TAXES!
Is Iron County and Utah in general getting Californicated? Are we becoming a purple state?

Here we can see out of the top 10 employers for Iron County, half are government. They are funded by tax dollars. They employee between 3,750 on the low end and close to 5,500 on the high end of Iron County citizens.

Iron County population estimates for 2022.

“Iron County average salary is 47 percent higher than USA average and median salary is 67 percent higher than USA median.”

In 2021, the Iron County Sheriff’s “annual salary of $131,935 according to public records. This salary is 115 percent higher than average and 92 percent higher than median salary in Iron County.”

In 2022, the Iron County Sheriff’s “annual salary of $158,865 according to public records. This salary is 130 percent higher than average and 119 percent higher than median salary in Iron County.”

Iron County Attorney “annual salary of $186,260 according to public records. This salary is 169 percent higher than average and 157 percent higher than median salary in Iron County.”

Iron County Commissioner “annual salary of $91,529 according to public records. This salary is 32 percent higher than average and 26 percent higher than median salary in Iron County.”

Iron County Commissioner “annual salary of $92,310 according to public records. This salary is 34 percent higher than average and 27 percent higher than median salary in Iron County.”

Iron County Commissioner “annual salary of $70,531 according to public records. This salary is 2 percent higher than average and 3 percent lower than median salary in Iron County.”

In 2021, Iron County, Utah it was reported that 40 employees were making over $100,000 per year.
There are 1,955 counties in the United States. Iron County is ranked 92nd in the nation among the highest paying counties.

(1) Iron County To Hold Public Hearing On Proposed Tax Hearing
(2) Elections should be held one week after tax day
(3) Iron County Top Employers for 2021 (Search Iron County)
(4) United States Census for Iron County, Utah
(6) Iron County Sheriff’s Salary for 2021 and Iron County Sheriff’s Salary 2022
(8) Iron County Commissioner (Paul Cozzens)
(9) Iron County Commissioner (Michael Bleak)
3 Responses
An eye opener. This is crazy. I understand the sheriff getting this pay as their job is dangerous. The others have no right to demand this kind of money.
Come on people let’s stop this. Show up
Thanks for putting this out there. As you can see by the lack of interaction, most people are apathetic to self governance until they get hit in the head with a bat. It’s just too much work. That is why we are where we are today as a country, a state, and a county.
I wanted to point out that the main reason stated for the increase is to “fund the new jail.” That being said, if anything, at this time of stress in the economy (and I believe it will get much worse) the last thing that should be considered is a tax increase. What should happen is a freeze on any raises, a salary cut across the board for the employees who are above the median income for Iron County, a hard look at the expenditures (this is difficult as many residents ask that the government do and fix things the government has no business doing). None of this will be popular with the citizens as no one likes money taken out of their pocket. Additionally, if more income needs to be generated for the jail then it should be done by a special assessment (if possible) that the citizens can be assured will end when the jail is funded. Not a tax rate increase.
I agree people need to educate themselves and attend but be well informed. Speak to the issue concisely. Don’t make your statements personal to the county representatives who are there. Don’t just rant. Be sure the statements made are accurate.
Thank you for the replies. We also think if the County needs funding for a jail then other alternatives should be looked into with grants, and it should go to the vote of the property owners. Living out of state most of my life we have never seen such a high amount being place on property taxes without going to the voters. Never this much for an assessment. I also encourage all Iron County property owners to attend. This tax is just the beginning of more to come. We are going to be taxed right out of our homes. It will affect everyone from the seniors, the younger generation that needs to rent, all businesses that need to increase prices to pay for the large increase in property taxes. We are against the assessment.