Saying no to Drag Queens in Public Parks. A Report from a St. George City Council held April 6, 2023.

I would first like to clarify that I am not a journalist and do not presume to write in a way that would be tantalizing for the reader only that I am a concerned mother about the depravity to which our society has sunk. So, I feel it a sense of duty to share.

Word went around by concerned citizens of the city about a group of men wanting to hold a drag show at a local children’s park and their permit for the show having been denied by the city. However, the cross dressers had 5 days to protest their permit denial and were expected to show up in droves at the next city council meeting. So, it was asked by these concerned citizens to show their support for the city council’s decision.

Being a mother myself, I was seriously concerned due to what I have learned in the past about drag shows and my own personal experience with gay cross dressers. So, I attended the meeting.

I quickly learned that this particular drag show attempt was not the first. They had successfully put on a show on March 17th at a private business. While there they had danced provocatively in front of young children while encouraging them to hand the dancers dollar bills just like in a strip club. This news was reported by Emily Gierisch, one of the speakers at the city council meeting. Ms Gierisch testified about the abuse she has since received for holding a peaceful and prayerful protest against the cross dressers drag show. Her address (former) was put on public file for anyone disagreeing with her actions to show up and harass her. Her phone number had also sold to a porn site and she was receiving soliciting calls for sex. The police were contacted but because there was no specific threat they would not help and no one was ever cited.

Another woman (I did not catch her name) called out mayor Randol and city council member Danyelle Larkin as wanting to make St George the drag queen hub of Southern Utah. The mumblings in the crowd suggested others would like to know the truth on that matter as well and were not too happy with any of this. There were roughly ten speakers, and all were actively speaking against the cross dressers receiving any permits to have a drag show in any community park.

During these speeches I was watching the reactions of the council and I found that the mayor was getting agitated multiple times with the crowd for cheering after each speaker made a comment. The mayor told the crowd to hold their applause for till it was over and that they were not sticking to the 2 minutes they were allowed to speak. At one point the mayor poured herself a drink and to me she had a look on her face that suggested she didn’t care what the speaker was saying.

I was seriously disgusted with the city council based on their behavior. They appeared to have an air of superiority and it seemed very much that they have forgotten that they work for “We the People” and the decisions come from “We the People” to them.

There were roughly 150 people in this city council meeting with standing room only and people spilled out into the overflow and halls. In all this crowd of people only one man of the drag show crowd appeared to show up. At one point my son commented, “mom there is a bearded woman,” and later told her that when the cross dresser entered the men’s bathroom, he was terrified and wouldn’t use the bathroom after that.

I worry that even though it appeared that this was a win for the people against drag shows in public parks I fear based on what I observed that regardless of what the people feel the city council will do only what they will and go against the will of the people allowing further depravity into our communities.


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