We would like to encourage any and all Iron County Citizens to be at the Iron County Commissioner meeting on Monday, August 28th. On the agenda, it has been proposed they will be discussing, the repealing of the tax rates and budget that had been previously voted on August 15th.

There have been individuals and citizen groups involved in the push back. It is time for the American people to return to the wheel of self-governance and be more vigilant in their local political arena.

We the People need to take back our country and stop thinking that the solutions come from the “experts.” We the People need to become the experts in our own self-government.
This is a win for We the People. We believe reason has won the day, and our own Iron County elected officials are now listening to their constituents. This shouldn’t have ever got to the point of the Truth and Taxation meeting in the first place.
Government seems to always thinks in grand fashion due to spending other people’s money, the taxpayer’s hard earned money. The government satisfies their wants, instead of the peoples needs. There is a big difference and disconnect when this happens.

Every citizen and elected official should read Not Yours To Give by Davy Crocket to understand appropriate allotment and allocation of taxpayers money (See link below).
We want to reference and spotlight the Facebook page, Iron County Tax Watch.
There have been alternatives proposed to the tax increase.

Here is one of the solutions by Jeremy Snow:

This approach is more in lines to what Iron County citizens would like to see rather than the grand Taj Mahal and fiefdom proposed.
Here is another solution by Brad Green.:

We would like to add, Brad Green is from Iron County, and is running for United States House of Representatives for Congressional District 2. (3) We appreciate Brad getting involved in the local political arena and showing how he has solutions to local issues. I believe this issue is not only micro, but for all of Utah on a macro level as well to observe a congressional candidate in action.
Give credit where credit is due.
Other sources in regards to this story:
The Tax Man Cometh to Iron County on Tuesday, August 15th, 2023
The Power to Tax is the Power to Destroy
New Iron County Jail not popular but sorely needed!
(1) Iron County Commissioner Meeting
One Response
As a citizen and tax payer THANK YOU FOR INFORMATION!