Americans Are Being Played: “There Are No Sides. . . .No Democrats and Republicans. There’s only HAVES and HAVE-NOTS

Hollywood at times can reveal powerful and insightful messages about society. In 2007, Shooter came out on the big screen. There was a scene when Bob Lee Swagger uncovered and confronted a United States Senator with evidence of corruption.

The reply was insightful and revealing for anyone who is aware and awake that have done their homework in history of the United States and illusion of the two-party system.

“There are no sides. There’s no Sunnis and Shiites. There’s no Democrats and Republicans. There’s only HAVES and HAVE-NOTS.”Senator Charles F. Meachum

The illusion of choice is one of the most powerful tools of control. The quote from Shooter (2007) reveals a core truth about power—it isn’t about political parties, religions, or nations. Those are just theater for the masses. The real divide is vertical, not horizontal.

The Fake Left-Right Paradigm: Keeping the Masses Distracted

Most people are conditioned to think in binary opposites:

  • Democrats vs. Republicans
  • Capitalism vs. Socialism
  • Sunnis vs. Shiites
  • East vs. West

But these are manufactured conflicts, used to:

  • Keep people fighting each other instead of the elites.
  • Make them believe change is possible within a rigged system.
  • Prevent real revolution by giving the illusion of choice.

The Pendulum That Never Swings

The system creates false opposition so that no matter which “side” wins, the ruling elite always remain in control.

  • Elections change nothing—policy continues in the same direction.
  • Wars continue no matter who is in office.
  • Corporations control both sides through lobbying and funding.

This is why revolutions that play within the system always fail—because they never address the real power structure.

Haves vs. Have-Nots: The True Power Divide

The real divide is between:

  • The Rulers (Haves): Control wealth, resources, and information.
  • The Ruled (Have-Nots): Distracted, divided, and conditioned to obey.

The Haves do not belong to a single party, nation, or ideology. They play both sides:

  • Fund both political parties.
  • Support both sides in wars.
  • Own the media that controls the narrative.

So What’s the Solution?

If the system is rigged from the start, how does someone escape the game?

Detach from the Illusion – Stop playing their game. Don’t fall for political theater.

Control Your Own Resources – Build independence (wealth, skills, knowledge).

Think Beyond the System – If the game is rigged, don’t play by their rules.

Expose the Illusion – Wake others up, but accept that many will fight to defend their chains.

Final Thought

The only real power comes from understanding the game and stepping outside of it. Once you see the vertical structure, you stop being a pawn. But most people will cling to the illusion—because reality is too terrifying to accept.


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