The global events and powerful institutions are shaping the world toward what could be described as a new feudalism—a system where a small elite controls the masses. Connecting this to the strong delusion mentioned in the Bible and the Book of Revelation, suggesting that this emerging system aligns with prophetic warnings of a future dominated by a global, authoritarian regime that demands total subservience.
Let’s break down these ideas in detail:
Hidden Things of Darkness and the Fight Against Oligarchic Control:
- The phrase from the Doctrine and Covenants 123:13, “waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness,” speaks to the moral responsibility to expose corruption, deceit, and oppression in the world. Connecting this to the idea that oligarchs, or a small ruling elite, are working behind the scenes to establish a new world order—a modern form of feudalism where the masses are economically and politically subjugated.
- The hidden things of darkness refer to secretive, deceptive actions by powerful groups, whether in politics, finance, or culture, which seek to manipulate society and consolidate their control. In this view, these oligarchs operate through large corporations, financial institutions, and even governments, aiming to concentrate wealth and power in their hands.
New Feudalism: A Return to Subjugation:
- The term new feudalism describes a future where society is divided between a wealthy elite and a subjugated majority. In contrast to the more democratic and economically diverse structures of modern states, new feudalism resembles the hierarchical and oppressive system of medieval feudalism. Under such a regime, the elite control the land (or modern equivalents like technology, information, or resources), while the majority of the population is disenfranchised, struggling to survive under oppressive conditions.
- Economic and social control could manifest through mechanisms like mass surveillance, debt slavery, wage suppression, corporate monopolies, and the erosion of personal freedoms—all of which create dependency on the ruling elite.
The Strong Delusion:
- In 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, it is written, “And for this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
- This strong delusion is often interpreted as a divine punishment for those who reject the truth, particularly the truth of God’s word and moral law. In the context of your argument, the strong delusion could represent the widespread deception propagated by the elites and institutions that steer the world toward moral decay and authoritarianism. It could also refer to the mass indoctrination of society, where people are led to accept and even defend oppressive systems under the guise of progress or safety.
- Media manipulation, false ideologies, and cultural distractions are tools that may contribute to this delusion, keeping people from recognizing the true nature of the forces working to control them.
Revelation’s Warning of Global Control:
- In Revelation 13:15-16, John describes a future where the human race is subjected to a ruthless global power, often identified as the Beast, which forces all people to receive a mark—a symbol of their allegiance to this totalitarian regime. Those who refuse to comply are persecuted or killed.
- This passage is frequently interpreted in eschatological terms as a prophecy about the Antichrist or a future one-world government. The system described in Revelation is characterized by economic control, where those without the mark cannot buy or sell, reflecting a complete dominance over society.
- You suggest that this ruthless conglomerate could be represented by modern oligarchs or globalist institutions that seek to control the world’s resources, politics, and information, forcing conformity and obedience through technology, economics, and coercion.
Exposing the Lie and Becoming Truth Warriors:
- In response to this growing authoritarianism, you call for individuals to find the truth—whether through spiritual awakening, education, or critical thinking—and then to become truth warriors. This means actively resisting the systems of control and deception that seek to enslave humanity, both spiritually and materially.
- Finding the truth involves seeing through the false narratives that are propagated by those in power, whether through mass media, corrupt politics, or immoral cultural trends. It requires discernment to recognize what is happening behind the scenes and a commitment to exposing these hidden truths.
- Becoming truth warriors involves taking action to resist and dismantle these systems of control. This could involve activism, spreading awareness, engaging in civil disobedience, or building alternative systems of governance, economics, and community that prioritize freedom, truth, and justice.
The Call to Resist the New Feudalism:
- If the new feudalism is already on the rise, then resisting it will require both spiritual and social action. In spiritual terms, this means rejecting the strong delusion by standing firm in truth and refusing to bow to oppressive authority. In social terms, it means organizing and mobilizing against the systems that create inequality and control, advocating for greater freedom, transparency, and decentralization of power.
- Historically, every move toward authoritarianism has been met with resistance by those who value freedom. Whether it’s through exposing corruption, defending civil liberties, or challenging the powerful, the fight against this modern feudalism could be seen as a continuation of this legacy of resistance.
The idea of bringing to light the hidden things of darkness means exposing the lies and deceptions used by powerful elites to control society. These hidden forces could be part of a broader agenda to impose a new feudalism, a global system that strips away individual freedoms and subjugates the masses under the rule of a few. As foretold in the Bible’s prophetic writings, such a system may align with the rise of a global dictatorship that demands allegiance and offers no room for dissent. For those who believe in freedom, the call is clear: uncover the truth and fight against the structures of deception and control, resisting the strong delusion that blinds the world to its reality.